When to Consult Malpractice Attorneys in Jacksonville, TX

by | Nov 16, 2016 | Lawyers

Sometimes medical malpractice cases are obvious, such as having the wrong kidney removed, but all too often they are harder to detect. Medical malpractice is defined as a patient receiving improper, unskilled, or negligent treatment from a healthcare professional. Even though it can be hard to prove, you should seek advice from a personal injury lawyer if you feel you have a malpractice claim.

What Must Be Proven?

If you received treatment or care from a doctor, dentist, or nurse at a hospital or advice from a pharmacist and your condition worsened because of it, then you may have a case for medical malpractice. Malpractice attorneys in Jacksonville, TX can gather and review your information to see if you have a case worth pursuing. To prove negligence, which is the basis for most malpractice claims, you must show that the healthcare professional violated or breached the standard of care when treating your medical condition.

The standard of care, also known as the duty of care, refers to the generally accepted methods for treating an illness or injury by other doctors or medical professionals in your area. The standard of care can vary between states for specific medical conditions, but experienced malpractice attorneys should be familiar with the standard of care in their state. If you need more information about pursuing a medical malpractice case, you can browse our website.

Statute of Limitations

In Texas, a malpractice claim must be made two years after the incident occurred. However, if the patient doesn’t know or can’t determine exactly when the injury occurred, then a claim must be filed within two years after the completion of their hospitalization or treatments. To pursue a medical malpractice case, speak to malpractice attorneys and provide them with all the information you can so they can help you get the money you deserve for your injuries.

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