The integrity of a commercial building establishment relies heavily on the stability of the foundation. This is because the foundation supports the entire building. If a building has a sinking or shifting foundation, it is imperative to invest in foundation piers. Foundation piers are a good solution for most failing buildings. They can stabilize and lift the failing foundation effectively, and prevent other problems from occurring. To get the most out foundation piers, it is essential to ensure that the installations are done by professionals. Professionals can examine a commercial building for foundation issues, and ensure that the right piers are installed correctly to remedy the issue. Here are some of the commonly asked questions about Commercial Foundation Piers.
What are the different types of foundation piers?
There are two major types of foundation piers: steel push piers and helical piers. Steel push piers support a building from underneath. They do this by attaching to an already existing wall and taking the weight from the near surface of the ground to a stable, suitable lower level. Steel push piers can be installed in small, tight, hard-to-get spaces. They are a great solution to nearly all foundation troubles. Helical piers also support a building from underneath. Instead of being pushed into the ground, they are screwed in making them more stable in the ground. Helical piers are mostly used to correct foundation problems that caused by soil that is too wet or dry.
Why is it important to install foundation piers early?
Foundation piers help to prevent and repair common foundation issues. If a commercial foundation fails, it will cause other problems, such as sticking doors and windows, cracks in walls and floors, leaning walls and bowing walls. All of these issues can be avoided by installing the right foundation piers at the right time.
What is the importance of hiring professionals to install foundation piers?
Professionals have an adequate understanding on the different types of foundation piers. In addition, professionals have the necessary expertise, skills, tools and equipment to ensure new foundation piers are installed correctly.
These are just some of the important details to know about Commercial Foundation Piers.