Understanding How People with ALS Can Get SSD Benefits Quickly

by | Feb 12, 2018 | Law

During ALS Awareness Month back in Mach, a Social Security Administration (SSA) workers wrote that those with ALS may be capable of getting Social Security disability benefits more quickly. ALS, which is also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a disease that attacks pathways in the spinal cord and brain, along with nerve cells. It is a progressive disease and is considered one of the SSA’s Compassionate Allowances.

Qualifying for Benefits

For those who are over 18 years old who have been diagnosed with ALS, you should be able to qualify for disability benefits. The disease is listed in the SSA listing of impairments and has certain criteria associated, which if met, make the person eligible for benefits. In order to qualify you will need a diagnosis of ALS which provides accepted clinical procedures and practices of diagnosing the disease. You will also need records that show this. Having access to skilled Westmont SSDI attorneys can make this process much easier.

Quicker Benefits

As a Compassionate Allowance disease, having ALS means that your case can be decided in as little as a couple of weeks. One thing to keep in mind is that with SSI, there is no waiting period following diagnosis but with SSDI there is a five-month period of waiting required.

Showing Evidence of ALS

When you’re applying for benefits, the SSA is going to look over your medical records and will expect to see a specific diagnosis of ALS. There are additional things they will look for that are important to be aware of:

  • A history of all of your symptoms of ALS
  • Neurological findings that fit a diagnosis of ALS
  • Results of neuroimaging and electrophysical tests that rule other conditions out
  • Helpful but not required are nerve conduction or electromyography studies

Winning Your ALS Disability Benefits

Harold W. Conick & Associates, LTD., Attorneys at Law offers a specialized concentration on social security disability law. They offer excellent Westmont SSDI attorneys and would be happy to help with your case. You can except to receive exceptional support through the entire process and any appeals. If you are interested in learning what options are open to you, you can reach our office at 800-608-8881. We can provide you with a confidential case evaluation so you can determine what your next steps should be.

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