The presence of mold may cause problems throughout the home. All indoor molds are harmful to health and property, and should be removed promptly after Mold Inspections in Alexandria VA. If a homeowner notices any of the below signs, they should call for mold inspection and removal.
A Musty Odor
Mold has a strong, unpleasant odor. If there’s a harsh scent in part of the home, it may be mold. Homeowners should know that mold may grow in wood, drywall, or wallpaper, and just because it’s not visible doesn’t mean it isn’t there. When there’s a musty smell in the home, address it before the mold problem becomes worse.
Water damage inevitably leads to mold, but prompt professional action can mitigate the damage. Damp environments, such as basements and under sinks, are conducive to mold growth. During an inspection, the technician will check these areas for mold.
Water Damage
As mentioned before, mold grows in moist areas, especially where there’s a water leak. A neighborhood flood or a broken pipe may lead to permanent damage. Mold is frequently hidden, and Mold Inspections in Alexandria VA can often find it before it becomes a serious issue.
Visible Signs of Mold
Mold often grows in sinks, bathtubs, and shower stalls. If there are visible signs, there may be a larger colony of mold hidden somewhere. In out-of-the-way areas such as the attic or basement, though, homeowners may need to look harder. Common signs of mold include discoloration and water stains on the walls, floor, or ceiling. Mold comes in numerous colors and looks, and a professional inspector knows what to look for.
Health Signs
Mold can cause serious health issues in sensitive individuals. If anyone in the family suddenly exhibits allergy symptoms, it may be due to mold growth. A runny nose, sneezing, and watery eyes are common signs, and if they lessen when away from home, call for mold inspection and possible removal.
Mold growth not only damages the home, it puts the family’s health at risk. It’s important to get an inspection at the first sign of a problem, so it won’t worsen with time. Visit the website for more details or call PMSI Mold Treatment Division to schedule an inspection.