Web Design

Finding the Best Web Designer for You

If you have already decided that you want to hire a web designer, you are already half way there! Next, you will want to create a list of potential designers and conduct some research. You will want to choose a reputable designer that delivers a high quality of work;...

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Create Graphic Content with Ease

If you are a small or midsize business or an organization that is trying to come up with some promotional material, you may just want to hire a graphic designer instead of undertake the job yourself. Graphic designers are experts when it comes to creativity and...

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The Process of Effective Web Design

The Process of Effective Web Design

Although no one technically owns the Internet Tim Berners-Lee is credited as being its inventor in many respects. At the time Berners-Lee was working at CERN he was the one who proposed the global hypertext project. If it had not been for a rather sharp name change we...

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