Is Breast Augmentation Right for You?

by | Oct 2, 2017 | Doctor

You may just be starting your research, or you may have been thinking about breast augmentation for some time but are just beginning to get serious about all of your options. In either case, one of the questions you might be asking yourself is: Is breast augmentation the right choice for me? What things should you consider as you are making your final decision? What does the procedure entail? There are some many questions that must be answered in order to decide if breast implants in New York are the best choice for you.

How Will the Procedure be Performed?

Breast augmentation procedures are surgical procedures and will be performed in an operating room or surgery suite by a plastic surgeon. Incision placement, implant type, and size will all be discussed with your doctor long before the time for the surgery has come. Once in the operating room, the surgeon will place the implants, position them accordingly and then close the incisions. You will be able to see the difference in bust size and/or shape fairly quickly.

What Will Recovery be Like?

Although the surgery itself will only last an hour or two recovery time will vary. Many women are able to get back to normal activities such as work within a day or two; some may choose to convalesce a little longer. Whatever your choice, it is always recommended to avoid any strenuous activity that could increase blood pressure or pulse, or otherwise, impede the healing process.

Other Factors to Consider

Not only will you need to discuss implant size and type, incision location, healing time and other things with your doctor, but you should also talk about cost and payment options that will be available to you. Once you talk over all of the important factors, you may decide that breast implants in New York are right for you.

For more information, visit the website.

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