Tips for Remembering a Loved One with Grave Monuments in CT

by | Jul 4, 2016 | Business

Saying goodbye is never easy. Once a loved one is gone, it is important to always remember them. Monuments in CT can help the memory of that special person one live on forever. Creating a lasting tribute through a monument can provide closure, while honoring and paying respect to the life of the one who has passed.

When the funeral or memorial service is over it’s time to think about a headstone to mark the final resting place of that special person. Carefully chosen words, pictures and other embellishments can give the world some insight about the life that the beloved family member lived. The chosen inscription should be carefully thought out since it will be the visual remembrance that people will hold on to over time. Family members often choose song lyrics, poems, or quotes that were important to the deceased. Once the words or sayings have been decided upon, it’s time to choose the proper size of the stone to ensure that it will accommodate the lettering and anything else the family wishes to add to it.

There are endless possibilities when designing a monument. Remember that this monument will be there for future generations to see. Monuments in CT can be designed in a variety of stone types including granite and marble. They can also be custom created from bronze. The stone markers come in many different colors such as gray, white, rose, black, and mahogany, offering the family, even more, options for personalizing the monument. When selecting the perfect monument, consider what the deceased enjoyed in life. If they were always full of laughter and lived a happy life, consider selecting a monument that is made out of a colorful stone. If they were always serious or professional, a traditional, more elegant stone may be a better option. Prices vary depending on the material. Get more information on the various costs by speaking with the funeral director.

Once a loved one passes away, they can still live on forever. Erecting a monument above their burial site will allow others the chance to pay their respects for many years to come. Taking the time to create a monument that will accurately describe and represent your loved one will also help provide more closure during the grieving process.

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