What Can You Expect From Your First Appointment with the General Dentists in Pampa TX?

by | May 31, 2019 | Dentist

Some people get a little nervous when they need to see the dentist, especially if it is the first appointment. Knowing what to expect from the General Dentists in Pampa TX will help individuals to feel more confident in seeking dental care.

What Happens at a Preventative Care Appointment?

When a patient sees the General Dentists in Pampa, TX, the first step will be to have their teeth cleaned. Teeth cleaning procedures need to be carried out every two months to keep cavities and gum disease at bay. Although a person may brush and floss their teeth daily, there are certain areas that are more difficult to clean than others. These areas are prone to tartar development and need to be professionally cleaned.

After the teeth are cleaned, the patient will go through a series of X-rays. Bitewing X-rays check the teeth for signs of cavities and disease. A panoramic X-ray shows the full set of teeth and jaws so the dentist can check for any abnormalities that may be present. These films are essential for the detection of oral health issues and formation abnormalities. When issues are found in their early stages, they are better treated by the dentist.

An Examination Is Important

The physical examination is conducted by the dentist, and they are looking for any signs of oral health issues that need to be treated. The dentist will refer to the X-ray films and the sight of the teeth and gums to diagnose their patient properly.

If any signs of decay or gum disease are found, the dentist will schedule an appointment for the proper treatments to be carried out. The dentist will work to treat these oral health issues to ensure the patient’s smile is protected at all times.

Oral examinations should be carried out twice a year for the best results. If you would like to learn more about these services, Visit the website. Contact Panhandle Dental with any questions you may have. Allow them to schedule your preventative dental care appointment so your smile can be protected. They provide a wide array of dental services for their patients.

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