What Can You Expect at Your First Chiropractic Appointment in Colorado Springs area?

by | Jul 24, 2014 | Business & Economics

Many people seek chiropractic care after they have been involved in an auto accident or experienced some type of injury. Others see the chiropractor for chronic pain, in the form of backaches and headaches. If you are suffering from some type of pain or injury, chiropractic care can help you to find the root cause, so you can overcome your pain. This information will assist you in knowing what to expect during your appointment, so you will feel confident when it comes time for you to schedule an appointment with Brian C. Helland D.C for chiropractic care.

How Does a Chiropractor Treat Patients Who are in Pain?
When you first come in for your appointment, you will talk with the medical staff and go over your health history. This is important because it will offer valuable insight into your ailments and what may be causing them. The chiropractor will want to know of any medications you take as well as what type of symptoms you are exhibiting. This will help him or her in being able to pinpoint the reason for your pain, so you can be treated.

One of the leading causes of ongoing pain in the body is due to alignment issues in the spine or joints. Called subluxations, alignment issues can cause pressure on the soft tissues and nerves, creating pain and stiffness. During your examination, the chiropractor can perform precise manipulations to your spine and joints, to gently, yet effectively, bring them back into their proper alignment. For many people, this brings immediate relief, though treatment may need to continue in many types of injuries and conditions.

Once your spine and joints are in proper alignment, the soft tissues and nerves can begin to heal. This healing process does not happen overnight, but with ongoing treatments, you will find your condition improved and eventually no longer an issue.

If you would like to learn more about chiropractic care, visit drbrianhelland.net. Through an appointment with Brian C. Helland D.C, you can overcome your painful symptoms and be able to get back to doing those things you love. Contact them today and schedule your consultation appointment or visit their website For more information.

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