A Nursing Home Negligence Attorney in Baton Rouge, LA Knows That Understaffing Leads to Harmful Incidents

by | May 7, 2018 | Lawyers

Understaffing at nursing homes is one of the main factors connected to negligence and outright abuse. Overworked nursing assistants and nurses do not have enough time to devote the necessary attention to each resident. A nursing home negligence attorney in Baton Rouge, LA represents families when they discover their loved one has been harmed at one of these facilities.

Inevitable Negligence

Abuse in nursing homes is much less common than neglect. Most of the workers truly want to do their jobs well and make sure patients can maintain their quality of life. When the place is understaffed, however, some level of negligence is almost inevitable. One patient may need help getting to the bathroom, for example, but nobody is available to respond to the request for assistance.

Complex Cases

Professional legal representation by a nursing home negligence attorney in Baton Rouge, LA is usually necessary because these cases tend to be complex. The plaintiff must prove that any harm done was due to negligence, carelessness, or intentional actions. For instance, a resident may fall and suffer a fracture even when no negligence occurred. Nursing home owners and their insurers will want to make sure they are not blamed for what happened. They may put forth a substantial effort to deny liability using their legal team.

Causes of Understaffing

What causes understaffing at these facilities? Nursing assistants are very underpaid for the work they do, which makes the occupation unattractive to most individuals as a long-term option. Many nursing assistants move to a different occupation within just a few years. Skilled nurses nearly always can make better money elsewhere, such as in hospitals, medical clinics and private practices.

Some Results of Negligence

Neglect in a nursing home can lead to injuries when patients are unsupervised for long periods of time. The residents may not get enough exercise, which can lead to weaker muscles and even pressure ulcers if they remain in the same position too long. Many other distressing incidents can occur. Families who need help may contact an organization like Pujol, Pryor & Irwin: The Litigation Firm. Visit our website.

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